These collections form part of our breadth of knowledge on masculinities. We’ve decided to turn them into NGM Library: a public-facing resource for researchers, educators and parents who are seeking to learn and unlearn about masculinity from an anti-patriarchal standpoint.
Read MoreI think it’s important that parents and educators are able to understand boys’ range of emotions while dealing with truly heavy issues, which is why I’ve decided to feature a list of stories that revolve around boys who are struggling with grief.
Read MoreAmerican federal law has the potential to be the most boring thing students ever hear about—but experiencing the tactics and vision of Ginsburg and her colleagues firsthand could be a lasting and powerful lesson about justice, gender equality and the power all of us hold to make a difference in the world.
Read MoreGetting to know Minecraft is a way for us to strengthen trusting relationships with our boys. If we demonstrate that we will approach their video games with understanding, that gives us a better chance of being able to support them through serious experiences later in adolescence.
Read MoreOur school communities could see a major shift if we leveraged this year’s inherent uncertainty to prioritize teaching resilience, mental wellness and healthy relationships over simply checking off curriculum learning objectives
Read MoreWe’re constantly doing research about boyhood masculinities and community- and school-based programs, and recently came across a thought-provoking framework for community-based rites of passage.
Read MoreIn May, a longtime friend messaged me on Instagram. “This is a thought I have pondered and I expect you to have written about,” he said. “Is there positive masculinity? Or should we drop it altogether?”
Read MoreThe significance of inappropriate humour isn’t the joke itself, it’s the habit. So my method of intervening with the boys isn’t so much about watching for specific memes as it is about helping them practice skills and patterns of understanding and acknowledging the humanity behind the jokes.
Read MoreStress is one of the most common things that young people talk about in our conversations about mental health—it dominates many of their school environments or peer communities. Yet stress is also a normal part of everyday life and a healthy part of child development.
Read MoreValues can be both culture and compass. They can be a foundation, to help a group build friendship, trust and respect. They can also help set expectations and communicate boundaries.
Read MoreMy job is not to protect myself from unwanted critique. My job is to provide a space that is safe, supportive and open to boys being themselves. I have to role model that.
Read MoreThe expression of fatherhood in When My Son Died has been a keystone piece of writing for me in trying to better understand the experiences of intergenerational trauma inflicted upon Indigenous lives in Canada.
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